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      Committee Vote    THIRD READING (RCS# 0608)







                             THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE

1st Session of the 59th Legislature of the 1st Session of the 59th Legisla


HOUSE BILL 2513                 THIRD READING

Pugh                            Schools; Handle with Care Program; traumatic

                                events; notification; protocol and training;

                                effective date.


      YEAS:   42                                                    RCS#  608

      NAYS:    0                                                   04/26/2023

      EXC :    6                                                     10:16 AM

      N/V :    0                                                            

      VAC :    0                                                             


YEAS:   42


Alvord                Garvin                Matthews              Rogers               

Bergstrom             Gollihare             McCortney             Seifried             

Boren                 Green                 Montgomery            Standridge           

Brooks                Hamilton              Newhouse              Stanley              

Bullard               Haste                 Paxton                Stephens             

Burns                 Hicks                 Pederson              Stewart              

Coleman               Howard                Pemberton             Thompson, (K)        

Dahm                  Jech                  Prieto                Weaver               

Dossett               Jett                  Pugh                  Woods                

Dugger                Kidd                  Rader                 Young                

Floyd                 Kirt                                                             


NAYS:    0





Daniels               Murdock               Thompson, (R)         Treat                

Hall                  Rosino                                                           


N/V:    0










                                 THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE


                          1st Regular Session of the 59th Legislature






                HOUSE BILL 2513                

Pugh                            Schools; Handle with Care Program; traumatic

                                events; notification; protocol and training;

                                effective date.  



      AYES:   12                                                    RCS#  172

      NAYS:    0                                                   04/04/2023

      CP  :    0                                                     11:32 AM

      VAC :    0                                                            


AYES:   12


Bergstrom         Daniels           Dossett           Green            

Hicks             Murdock           Paxton            Pemberton        

Pugh              Rader             Seifried          Thompson (K)     


NAYS:    0









Strike the Enacting Clause, motion by Senator Seifried - Adopted




